Sherlock – Caitlin Moran: BFI Q+A (SPOILER FREE)

I was one of the very lucky few to attend the BFI screening of the Sherlock series three opener ‘The Empty Hearse’ this weekend. This blog is not about the episode, and will contain absolutely no information, clues, spoilers or anything else relating to it.

It started for me on the train home to Manchester from London. I checked my phone, refreshed Twitter, and searched for posts relating to ‘bfi sherlock’. I wanted to get an idea of other attendees’ views on the episode and their experience of the day. What I found was surprising. Or maybe it wasn’t.

If I had not attended the screening that afternoon I might have come to the conclusion that two very highly regarded Hollywood actors had been coerced – nay, forced – into ridiculing a shocked and distraught audience with a reading of hardcore pornography. These terrible events had been orchestrated by the host, who had set out to humiliate the actors and belittle the author of said work, before picking off random members of the outraged audience with a handgun, in a final, bloody, coup de grace.

As it happens, I did attend the screening, and I did attend the Q+A – and I would like to share with you what actually happened, in front of my eyes.

Following the screening, the cast and crew of Sherlock were introduced onto the BFI stage alongside our host for the afternoon, journalist Caitlin Moran. Both Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman were there, with co-creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, producer Sue Vertue and director Jeremy Lovering. Caitlin began proceedings with an invitation to the gathered masses to get one enormous admiring scream out of the way right off the bat, and the audience duly obliged.

The questioning began with a long conversation about the episode we had just watched. Again, no spoilers here. Everyone on stage was having a good time, with plenty of good natured banter between them. All involved had a chance to speak for a while, and plenty of topics were covered, none of which I can describe, simply because it was entirely spoilerific for a good half an hour.

Eventually, the conversation (note: conversation, not simply questions and answers) turned to the subject of Sherlock fan-fiction. To great amusement from the audience, specifically the throngs of fangirls, Caitlin briefly suggested future plot ideas to the crew taken from three ‘fanfics’ she had found online. As the title of each fanfic was read out, the fangirls around me gasped excitedly and leaned forward in their seats, suggesting to me that the majority of them knew these stories very well, and very clearly wanted their heroes to know about them too.

Finally, Caitlin revealed the title of the story that has caused so much fuss in SherlockFandomLand over the last 24 hours. It was entitled “Tea”, which was, as it turns out, a sequel to “Coffee”. Yes, this got a laugh. Not just from Caitlin, as many would have you believe, but from the entire audience (including all the fangirls sat in my line of sight), cast, and crew. It got a laugh, because it’s a fact that Tea (a sequel to Coffee) is a cute, funny title in any universe. Not mockingly funny, just funny. Caitlin did state that the story “doesn’t contain anything bad”. I have read the story. It does contain a lot of bad. But not the section we were about to hear. Unless you think a gay kiss is ‘bad’, and I certainly don’t.

Then the moment of truth. Did Caitlin Moran really FORCE Benedict and Martin to read an extract from this fanfic? Were Benedict and Martin MADE to perform like monkeys in front of a baying crowd?

No. No she didn’t, and no they weren’t.

Printouts of the fanfic were passed to the pair. That’s ‘passed’. Handed over. Let’s just make it perfectly clear that nothing was thrust into either actor’s face. At this point I would recommend you watch the three-minute video which has circulated online. It’s happily spoiler-free, so everyone can see what transpires. Obviously I was there, so I saw it all happen in context with the rest of the show, but this is the next best thing. My own observations are highlighted in bold.

It begins with Caitlin asking the actors to play their roles in the fanfic while also reading their respective narratives. She then light-heartedly (watch the video) jokes that Jeremy Lovering is directing, to which Martin responds, with great comedy timing, “Get them in”, gesturing to the audience. This is a reference to something joked about earlier in the session, wherein it was acknowledged how difficult it was to film an episode without onlookers getting into shot. Again, the audience are all laughing. It was a funny moment.

Martin begins to read his part. As he reads, I am watching the audience. Being sat towards the rear of the not-very-large theatre, I can see everything. What you cannot see on the leaked video is all the fans/fangirls leaning forward, huge smiles on their face, giggling away. They are not laughing at the fanfic. They are laughing excitedly at their heroes reading an actual fanfic in front of their eyes.

Benedict then responds with his first line, which is “Sherlock licked his bottom lip”, to which Steven Moffat responds with “Whose bottom lip?” This of course gets a laugh from the audience. This is not mocking laughter, aimed at the piece or the author. This is laughter at a quick-witted response from Moffat. All on stage know what’s coming, clearly, because they are all very aware of Sherlock fan-fiction. The subsequent laughter comes from anticipation. “How far are they going to go?”

As a result of Moffat’s interruption, Benedict points out a slight narrative error in the script, nothing serious at all, which is swiftly brushed over as it is unimportant. Again, at this stage the audience are hooked to this. It is fascinating. Is Benedict Cumberbatch really going to read aloud from a fan’s work? It certainly seems so. Even better, Benedict’s next line is read in his Sherlock voice. For me personally, being in the same room as the actor who plays Sherlock actually playing Sherlock is phenomenal.

Martin responds with what I actually consider a very well written line of narrative – “John turned to the left, his body at attention” – before tilting his head in a knowing way towards the audience. The double entendre here causes plenty of merriment. Soon after this, another line read by Martin, “John swallowed” gives us the biggest laugh, and curiously, a round of applause. A ROUND OF APPLAUSE.

This is not awkward. This is not an unpleasant atmosphere. This is joyful – these two A-list actors are on stage sharing in something fanmade, to an adoring audience, who are loving every second. And I feel I should reiterate, the majority of the attendees are most certainly fangirls (and fanboys, if you include me).

After Martin read a further line, Benedict paused briefly. This was the main incident, which needs to be clarified. Benedict did pause. Martin turned to him, expecting him to continue with the story, but Benedict had turned to Caitlin to suggest ‘let’s stop it here’. Caitlin immediately obliged and announced “yes, shall we stop it here – this sounded a lot better in my head”. NOTE – VERY IMPORTANT– both Benedict and Martin laughed at that statement, asking “did you write it?”. They did not feel put upon, they were not forced into a corner, they were obviously having a good time. So much so, that Benedict actually asked Caitlin whether they were ruining anything by stopping early.

Caitlin, as can be seen on the video, was almost over-apologetic, thinking that the previous minute or two hadn’t been entertaining, but it had. There was nothing unpleasant, nothing derisive towards the author, except for one statement – that the last line was “clumsily written” – but we’re not exactly talking about a damning critique on the author’s work. It’s all there to see on the video.

Benedict then made a statement. And it is this statement which I feel has caused all the uproar against Caitlin Moran. If Benedict hadn’t said this, the backlash towards Caitlin would not have happened, I am sure.

Benedict’s statement was this: “It’s just a point, I mean the fans can do what they like, but there’s a point, we do what we do with it, and that’s the fun we have with our fiction of it, is to point out that that [a kiss between John and Sherlock] is ludicrous in our universe of this storytelling. So, sorry to be all ‘mmmmm’ about it…*adopts cockney accent* His nibs ain’t doing that”.

Caitlin at this point apologised, explained that she was very sorry, and throws it open to the audience. All is rosy again. This was lighthearted.

Benedict’s statement caused the problem. The issue we have is that Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of the show and the hero to the fangirls, has just stated openly and publicly that he doesn’t like fan-fiction. This causes a problem, because the fans are not going to turn on him, are they? No chance. They’re not going to turn on the rest of the cast and crew either. No, they’re going to turn on the one easy target – Caitlin Moran.

And so, this is what happened. Even though everyone in that room thoroughly enjoyed the whole event, through countless generations of Chinese whispers and misheard/misunderstood comments, the whole Sherlock fandom formed an army against Caitlin Moran, bombarding her Twitter with all sorts of unpleasantness. She’s been accused of going into that Q+A with an agenda from the outset, to use Benedict and Martin as pawns in her carefully planned attack on the fandom. And then there’s the other angle, that the whole thing was a direct attack on fanfics and through that, a direct attack on feminism. To paraphrase Benedict, THAT’S ludicrous. It’s nonsense. Utter, utter nonsense.

I will state at this point that I am aware of the other issues people have raised in relation to the event, such as ‘was it morally/legally right for this author’s work to be performed without permission?’ or ‘what about the breaking of the fourth wall (mixing up fan-fiction with the actual original canon actors)?’ but these are questions for other people to discuss and debate. I just want to put the actual unbiased facts out there, as it’s obvious that a great deal of misinformation has been fed to people through blogs and Twitter.

At worst, the introduction of the fanfic to proceedings was an error of judgement on Caitlin’s part. Simply that, a mistake. And I do have sympathy for the writer of said fanfic, who has stated that she never wanted the cast to read her work. But it certainly wasn’t torn apart like it’s being suggested it was.

For those who launched their tirades against Caitlin for ‘breaking the fourth wall’ and sharing fan-created material with the stars of the show, I’m reminded of a talk some time ago, where Martin Freeman was asked by a young fangirl whether he would wear ‘red pants’ for the show, to which the whole room full of fangirls shrieked with excitement, while Martin called them ‘dirty minded f**kers’. This was a direct reference to fan-made material involving artwork featuring John Watson in red underwear, and a direct request for the actor to wear said underwear in the show. Interesting then how this fourth wall opinion has now changed, simply because Caitlin Moran is someone in the public eye.

I am not defending Caitlin Moran because of any political, or feministic, or any other reason. I don’t read The Times and I have not yet read her books. I’m defending her because I’m sick of seeing the pack mentality on Twitter, especially when it comes to fandoms, ganging up on someone for reasons they have only heard second, third or fourth-hand. Or from watching a three-minute video of an event which lasted three hours.

Thank you for reading this, if you did. If you share my opinion, great. If not, then equally great, it’s up to you. I’m just stating the facts.


45 thoughts on “Sherlock – Caitlin Moran: BFI Q+A (SPOILER FREE)

  1. Well, I watched the video and I found it mortifying. It also seemed to me that the whole panel was uncomfortable for the time it went on. And why do something like that at all? This was not The Graham Norton Show, it was an event dedicated to the new series of Sherlock – why take away from that with a subject not directly related to the new episode?

    It’s not okay to gang up on anyone and I won’t leave any unpleasant messages on CM’s twitter or something, but I sure hope they choose someone else for the next event of that kind.

  2. This isn’t just about breaking the fourth wall. It’s about taking a person’s private work that was shared within a trusted community and PUBLICLY HUMILIATING her writing in front of actors she admired (and yes, Caitlin Moran didn’t mean to hurt her like that, but the fact of the matter was that she did). Also, the reactions of a few ‘fangirls’ with “huge smiles” “giggling away” does NOT mean that most of the fandom isn’t offended by this. Whether we were in the room or not, it doesn’t change the fact that Moran took someone’s work without permission and used it in a way that was derogatory. I don’t know what misinformation you are seeing, but the angry posts that I am seeing is mostly directed towards this issue.

  3. Can I just state that your comment “Benedict…has just stated openly and publicly that he doesn’t like fan-fiction” is not true. He was just basically saying that that situation wouldn’t arise in their version of Sherlock Holmes.

    • Appalled.

      Many people think of fanfiction as a joke or stereotype that it is all terribly written (look at 50 Shades, guys, hahaha!) when it is in fact not, and I feel like Moran’s only aided in supporting these stereotypes.

      Even if Ben doesn’t like fanfiction or is embarrassed at it, we aren’t trying to find a whipping boy. I think most people are just offended at the intrusion of privacy and scared of the thought that that could’ve been their work. It can be argued that they were posting their work online to the public eye, and therefore anyone can read it, but it was intended for a specific group of fans who look up those type of fanfics. You must have a Facebook or a Twitter, correct? I don’t expect you would be making those “getting a sandwich at Subway’s!” posts for stalkers or serial killers to read.

      The point is, the author clearly posted the fanfiction for other fans to read and enjoy, not for it to be ridiculed by her heroes, not to mention publicly.

      I don’t give if the actors don’t like fanfiction. I won’t get mad at them because I get how those sorts of things can be awkward (think of a pushy group of classmates who insist that you’re secretly having a gay relationship with a platonic friend, or write about it and make you read it). Trust me, the fandom is not upset with the actors or the writers for anything they’ve done and want someone to blame; they’re angry with Moran for publicly humiliating a fanfic author and making the actors read something that clearly made them feel uncomfortable.

      Who cares if it’s been done before on the Graham Norton show? The point is, it’s rude to take someone’s hard work and laugh at it. Don’t they teach you these things in school?

      • Based solely on your ignorance of the facts, I have to assume that you weren’t at the event, but correct me if I’m wrong.

        Just to reiterate, I think a great deal of fan fiction is extremely well written. I believe it’s a great way for budding writers to hone their craft using characters already in existence. I enjoy it, and I used to write it myself as a teenager.

        The fact of the matter is that sadly you are missing the point. Either you haven’t read my post at all, or you have chosen to ignore the points I made.

        Firstly, this was not ‘public humiliation’. This was a ticketed event to an audience of no more than 500 people. It was not televised or transmitted, and the content of the Q&A was only ever intended to be shared by the attendees at the BFI. Just to be clear, the author’s name was never mentioned by anybody on stage. The writer of the piece was only identified later by the blogger who made the first report of the ‘incident’. Ironically, had said blogger not reported the issue in great detail, the writer would have never suffered any feeling of humiliation at all. Just something to think about, there.

        I’m very sorry to have to break this to you, but regardless of your target audience, anything posted online can be (and you can bet, will be) read by anyone who chooses to seek it out. Unless you’re behind a paywall your submissions will become public whether you like it or not. The same goes for my blog, your comment and the reply I am writing now. While I’m not one to speculate, I think I can be justified in my opinion that the writer of the piece would have been shouting from the rooftops had the cast and crew of Sherlock spent two minutes raving about her work. If you are going to post your creativity online then you have to accept that some people will be critical of your work, while others will praise you highly for it. You have to learn to take the rough with the smooth, or you won’t last very long in the real (or online) world. I received a lot of criticism for my blog within the fandom after I posted it. It didn’t bother me then, and it still doesn’t now. I also saw a number of members of the fandom retract their accusations against Moran after they read my piece. This was good enough for me, and pleased me greatly.

        Not sure what you’re getting at with the ‘Subway’ Facebook/Twitter remark. I’m very happy to report that I have much more interesting things to talk about on social media. Well, to me, anyway. I am happy however to leave my tweets open for the public to read. If I was worried about what people thought about what I write, I wouldn’t post it in the first place.

        Believe me, I am very much aware that the fandom are not upset with the actors or crew of Sherlock. Neither should they be. Nobody did anything wrong on the BFI stage that day, Caitlin Moran included. Nobody was ridiculed. As I made perfectly clear in my initial post, Benedict and Martin were not made to do anything. Watch the video.

        I’m not sure if the angry element of the fandom is aware that Caitlin Moran was, and remains, good friends with Benedict and the majority of the cast of the show, both on that stage and in the audience. Just something else to bear in mind.

        Sadly, I get the impression that you have already made your mind up on the matter based on information you’ve received second or third hand. What I would say to you, and this is something I learned a long time ago, is don’t believe everything you read. The whole thing was an insignificant part of a very entertaining show, and it angered me that I had to write my piece in the first place, or that I still find myself talking about it now, some 8 months on.

      • It doesn’t matter if it /shouldn’t/ have been cause for offence, the point is, /it was/, and it hurt the author and a lot of other people.

  4. It was interesting to see this account of what happened. As someone who has followed the show, the fandom and the actors for quite some time it was especially interesting. Funnily enough, I was there when the red pants comment was made. I think for one thing it was different because it was Martin Freeman and anyone who follows the actors will know that he is much more comfortable with the fan made fiction and art than Benedict Cumberbatch. Also the context was very different. It wasn’t a reporter dragging it up, it was the actors (led by Gatiss) just happily chatting about fanwork. And when someone brought up the red pants, Martin already knew. I think that’s one of the important things. Nobody shoved a picture in front of him. Most people don’t mind the idea of the people involved reading their work or seeing their art. Because if they do that in private it’s actually fun. But being put on the spot in front of an audience is another matter.

    Reality is most fans adore these actors. To see them squirm uncomfortably is not something we like and to have something that we produce to entertain ourselves used against them hurts. And we all know Benedict never reacts well. He has said on numerous occasions that he avoids fansites (while Martin has said on numerous occasions that he seeks them out). It’s just about knowing who you are interviewing and how they will react to stuff. Had Benedict not been there it might have been another matter.

    That’s my opinion anyway. It would have been Caitlin Moran’s job to check with a)the author of the fic but also (and in this context maybe more importantly) b) the actors beforehand. Had she given them that script before and asked them if it was ok with them to read this, I’m sure Benedict would have told her no and this entire thing could have been avoided. She didn’t do her job right and that’s what annoys people. And whether intended or not, it did turn out to be very anti-fanfic which is a shame.

    Also, this event was for both the press and the fans. And to make fun of those fans (who have queued for hours on end and come from all over the world) even inadvertently (though again, her tweet re:virgins shows a certain amount of contempt for fans from the get go) is just not ok. If an actor is uncomfortable with fanwork and has expressed that numerous times before, don’t make him squirm on the spot, especially in front of an audience. A good reporter should know that.

    Anyway, thanks again for your account, I’m glad it was still fun while you were there. I think sometimes the aftermath just shows that what might seem fun in the moment can be much worse considered in hindsight (once people have had time to ponder what this actually meant).


  5. I was in the room. Second row. Didn’t respond as you outlined. Neither did any of my friends, of which there were many in the room. (Hence the blog post I initially wrote that is now getting passed around.) So you are not stating facts, you are merely making an assumption about how people were feeling. Equally you are also interpreting Benedict and Martin’s responses. That is just your interpretation, or which again there were many. It’s therefore extremely biased.

    I think it’s fine to have interpreted the event in a different way. But your interpretation is not a fact. I was uncomfortable. I was right at the front and it was all really weird. The subsequent explosion is disproportionate to what went on, but I can understand why people are annoyed, why the fanfic author was upset and why Caitlin Moran is receiving criticism.

  6. I don’t see any indication that Cumberbatch is dismissing fan fiction at all. He may not like it but he acknowledges that it exists and fans can indeed do whatever they want.

    I do agree with him that it’s fantasy and that it has no bearing on the show. Because it is “ludicrous” in the fiction they’ve created. There may be some “bromantic moments” (that’s another issue of queer baiting for the writers) with Sherlock and John but John has always been heterosexual in the last two series. He had girlfriends and never been portrayed as being attracted to men. And now he has Mary. He will be married to Mary. John loves Mary, he is attracted to her. So, yeah. I agree. JohnLock is ludicrous in the BBC universe but in the minds of the fans, no it’s not. They can fantasize all they want.

  7. Thank goodness for a bit of sanity. I was also at the event and I can confirm that this was how it happened.

    Caitlin Moran did not intend to mock the fan fiction. As you can clearly see on the video, the audience enjoyed it and both Benedict and Martin seemed perfectly happy, laughing and joking their way through the material, until the moment when Benedict became uncomfortable, at which point Caitlin Moran stopped things and was apologetic.

    The only slightly negative comment that she made about the piece was the “clumsy” line, and it’s pretty clear that at that moment she was a little thrown by the worry that Benedict had become uncomfortable and so I think that she spoke without thinking slightly. She neither mocked the author, nor intended to mock them.

    The people who have posted that video are showing far more disrespect than Caitlin Moran did. The audience was explicitly asked not to film or take photographs during the Q&A and that there would be a specific section for taking photographs at the end. Whoever made that video evidently decided that those rules did not apply to them and has showed great disrespect to the makers of the show in posting it online.

    Ironically, it may be for the best that the video is available, since anyone watching it will realise that the truth of the situation was far removed from the ridiculous and unpleasant overreaction being spread elsewhere.

    • Just to add a couple of things…

      I disagree with the assertion that Benedict Cumberbatch’s comments mean that he doesn’t like fan fiction. I don’t think he was expressing a view on it one way or the other. He was merely saying that he personally prefers to keep it separate from his professional work on the series.

      Secondly, my previous post was not intended to take a view on whether or not presenting fan fiction to the cast was a good idea. I realise that the author of the piece is unhappy. I only intended to add my support to the article’s perspective on how both Caitlin Moran’s actions and motives and the reactions of the audience present in the cinema have been significantly exaggerated and misrepresented.

  8. Benedict never said he particularly avoided fanfic/fanart. Both he and Martin have stated that they were flattered by them. It’s just that Benedict never goes into twitter, facebook or any kind of social media to check out what fans are saying about him. Martin also has said he doesn’t get twitter. So the author of this post misinterpreted Benedict’s statement.

    One more thing, ‘forcing’ someone to do something doesn’t necessarily mean ‘shoving into their faces.’ It’s about the context and the situation. What could Martin and Benedict do when the host ‘asked’ to read something she had thought would be fun in front of the enthusiastic audience? According to the author’s description, the audience was apparently ‘eager.’ If the actors declined the request of the host, it would’ve been disrespectful to the host and disappointing to the audience. If they declined, the fandom might have really assumed they dislike fanfic, which they never said they did. Besides, again from this post apparently Benedict didn’t know who wrote the fanfic. It could have been Caitlin or anybody. Therefore, they had no choice but read it. Doesn’t that sound a bit forceful?

    If they were totally happy about the whole thing, how come Benedict had to make the last comment? And why did Caitlin have to apologize so much? I don’t believe she intended to make fun of fanfic nor fandom consciously. It’s just her luck of compassion and understanding fandom and pop culture in general. That’s how I see it.

    • Let me elaborate on the first paragraph of my comment above. The author of this article might not be aware of Martin and Benedict’s previous comments on fanart in general, so this shouldn’t be my ground of argument that the author misinterpreted BC’s comment.

      “…the fans can do what they like, but there’s a point, we do what we do with it, and that’s the fun we have with our fiction of it, is to point out that that [a kiss between John and Sherlock] is ludicrous in our universe of this storytelling”

      This is the quote. (By the way how come you were able to quote it word by word just out of your memory? Were you recording?) Anyway, frankly I cannot figure out how you came to the conclusion of “Benedict doesn’t like fanfic” out of this comment. All he’s saying is that blending Fandom universe into their show is just not right. Fandom has its own ‘storytelling universe’ and it should be left alone. And he’s exactly right. So what do we have to blame him for? How the author came to believe Benedict’s statement caused the problem is beyond me. I’m saying all of this not just because I’m the part of Sherlock Fandom, but because your assumption is illogical.

      I strongly suggest the author to watch this video because it is the FACT.

  9. The point is the fans(and the media if they bother doing a little research before interviews) already know of fanfiction making them slightly uncomfortable. It has been brought up several times now and we already know they’re aware of it so why do journalists keep throwing it at their faces? Fanfiction should stay in the fandom because it’s meant for the fans and is not written to please the actors playing those characters or to make them uncomfortable or even only aware of its existance. Fanfiction has always been there(for decades) and it’s funny how lately there’s been this trend in the media of bringing it up to see the actors react to it or to be kinda scanadalized by it as if it were a crazy new trend (maybe this wasn’t the case of Caitling Moran(?) but I’ve seen a few interviews following this pattern).

  10. “The issue we have is that Benedict Cumberbatch, the star of the show and the hero to the fangirls, has just stated openly and publicly that he doesn’t like fan-fiction.”

    No he didn’t. He said the stuff people write about in fan fiction isn’t going to happen “in our universe,” i.e. on the show. The fans can do what they want, the show can do what it wants, but they won’t overlap. It’s not the first time he’s said that, nor the first time someone else connected to the show has said that.

  11. It’s an interesting account, but I still think what she did was totally wrong. And while that might have been your impression from the audience, other people might pick up different hints and notes from their body language, the way they were reading, and honestly, the whole affair was just awkward. You also didn’t mention how she then stammered a quick apology, and called the fic ‘clumsily written’… which again, was totally uncalled for.

  12. Agreed, the entire cast are accountable for their actions. It was unprofessional and cruel of them to humiliate and mock fanfiction – which was written by a fan for FANS – and its author. Indeed, Benedict and Martin were not forced to read it, they could have declined, so fault does lie with them as well.

    The reason so many of us on Twitter and Tumblr are upset with Caitlin Moran in specific is because she’s a role-model for a lot of people in the Sherlock fandom. She’s a self-proclaimed feminist and fangirl, who a lot of us have related to and looked up to, in the past. As someone with a voice, in a position of power, instead of openly ridiculing fanfiction and fandom, she should be encouraging women to express themselves creatively. She should be on our side, instead of mocking us. Instead of making fangirls out to be an embarrassing joke, she should be doing the FEMINIST thing and making us feel like being passionate about a TV show is not only okay, be a good thing.

    Most of us writing open-letters and spreading awareness about this BFI fiasco with Caitlin Moran, do not do it with the intention of spreading “hate”. We’re calling Caitiln Moran out on what she’s done; we’re asking her to recognise that what she’s done has hurt us; she’s publicly shamed the all of us who read and write fanfiction. She’s made readers feel embarrassed for reading it, and authors feel unsafe sharing their work online.

    We shouldn’t be ashamed about things that make us happy. We shouldn’t feel judged or humiliated for things that helps us cope.

    Caitlin Moran claims to be a feminist and a fangirl. She claims to be one of us. Which is why it hurts so much that she’s turned around and made a joke of us all.

    • Sydney, let’s give the cast a break, okay? When someone hands you something WITH NOT A SECOND TO THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS, during a live interview, your instinct (if you are a generally polite team player like MF and BC) is to “be a good sport” and keep the conversation going, not to create a scene and embarrass your “host” by refusing to play along. (It’s like declining when the birthday girl asks you to play charades, even though your inner voice may be moaning, “Oh, God, no…”) However, at a certain point, BC felt he couldn’t take any more of being played for laughs at his own premiere, where his actual work was in danger of being upstaged by fan imaginings (however legitimate or artful).

      The fandom has focused on the slashfic writer’s sense of personal violation. Yet her work consists of words on paper – an actual thing that you could print out and separate from yourself. An actor’s work IS their body – their voice, their movements – and is at least as personal and vulnerable, though in a different way (I know – I do both for a living, and let me tell you: writing is terrifyingly exposing of your mind; but when they review your face or your naked body, it sure doesn’t feel like it’s about the character.) So when BC, in public, reads work that invites the reader to form the mental image of his version of Sherlock having sex with MF’s version of John, it resonates for him on a whole bunch of different levels that are uniquely intimate and distressing. Not because he has any contempt for fans or fanfic, or gay sex, or women… but because that is not how he sees the Sherlock that he has created; not how he sees (or wants to have even the mental image of) his real-life relationship with his good buddy Martin Freeman; and because, dammit, that’s his body he’s talking about, and even if he DID want to imagine it having sex with “Jawn”, it probably wouldn’t be in front of a roomful of people.

      At a certain point, BC protected himself… and he also protected his fans from being subjected to further ridicule, once his natural good manners had given way to his understanding and rejection of the host’s agenda. Whereas Martin Freeman took the tack of calm acceptance: “I know what goes on in fandom and, in the words of John Watson himself, ‘It’s all okay’. I will play this straight and be absolutely unphased by it all.” He even paid the writer a subtle compliment afterwards: when CM apologized, he murmured: “No, it’s okay, we love getting new scripts.”

      Both of them are class acts in their own way. They deserve all our support and love.

      • “…not how he sees (or wants to have even the mental image of) his real-life relationship with his good buddy Martin Freeman…”

        I’m just trying to imagine how it would feel if I had to read aloud a script describing me in an intimate situation leading to sexual activities with my best friend right in front of family, colleagues and acquaintances. And I just can’t go there. 😦

      • Your post is the best one I’ve seen on this matter. What I took away from watching the video is that Benedict was rather peeved at CM when he said that about ruining the punchline (justifiably so) . She had a right to bring up fanfic (since it was right after viewing TEH) and she had a right to be a little funny about it. However as you so clearly pointed out, CM had an agenda and I believe she just showed bad manners. Sherlock cast & crew – 100% brilliant.

  13. We don’t have to hypothesize how we’d feel if we were in the author’s position. We have the author’s own statement. She was mortified. She never wanted the actors to be aware of her work. If she had been asked by Ms. Moran, she would have said no.

    “I wouldn’t mind if I were X” isn’t relevant when we have the person it happened to saying “I was X, and I was distressed.”

    And if I were mildredandbobbin? I can’t imagine circumstances in which I would be happy to have my work described in public as “clumsily written”. That was cruel, off-the-cuff or not.

    • “She was mortified. She never wanted the actors to be aware of her work.”

      While I feel bad for the author, I cannot get the basic rule of the Internet out of my mind — “If you don’t want to be embarrassed by something you put on the Internet, then don’t put it on the Internet.” It’s unfortunate that this happened to her, but once it was posted there was a non-zero chance, infinitesimal though it might be, that someone outside her subculture would find her story and do something with it to make it public.

      All of that said, I do think that the author deserves an apology from Caitlin Moran. Or at least an acknowledgement of the distress caused. Because she really was an innocent bystander.

      Wider Sherlock fandom, though? I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think they deserve that same apology. Sherlock fandom hasn’t been victimized here, not like the author. Yes, it sucks that fun was poked at their subculture. But that happens; this single incident isn’t unique to Sherlockdom. Comic book fans are held up for mockery on The Simpsons every week on The Simpsons. Science-fiction fans are held up for outright ridicule on The Big Bang Theory. Sherlock fandom hasn’t received that same kind of ridicule. This is a single incident, wholly unknown outside of the Sherlock subculture, yet many are acting as though they are wounded and victimized far beyond what actually happened.

      • I think what a lot of people are angry about, is that Caitlin Moran, a woman who calls herself feminist, has made women creating erotica for themselves an other women feel like an unsafe thing. Nobody cares whether Benedict and Martin like fan fiction. Fan fiction has it’s audience, and Sherlock has its audience. The fans know that the writers are not writing the show as they write their stories, and the cast and crew know that it happens, and it’s, as Benedict said, nothing to do with the show itself. And while nobody who has eyes could miss that Benedict may be a little uncomfortable with it, because it is CONSTANTLY brought up, it was unprofessional of her to throw that out there. If the actors go looking for fan fiction themselves, that’s another thing, but most of them would rather avoid it. The writer of the fan fiction has written apologies to Benedict and Martin, as well as to the BBC, to reassure all involved that she did not ask and would not WANT that kind of attention from either of them, because the press love to pretend the kind of people who write fan fiction are the kind of twelve-year-old stalkers-in-training that also mail them to the actors for approval. It’s not true. Fan fiction has it’s place, but it’s place was not at that event, which was meant to be a celebration for the makers of the show, and for the fans. I hope this puts an end to “journalists” from trying to shock people with, “hey you know people like to think about you having sex, right?” Because, to quote my FAVORITE fan fiction?


      • I agree with you that Sherlock fandom as a whole shouldn’t act so victimized. ANYTHING can be made fun of along the context of good comedy, and Sherlock fandom is no exception.

        That being said, I don’t think what happened at BFI was not same as The Simpsons mocking comic book fans nor even as Graham Norton Show repeatedly bringing up fanart and having a good laugh. O.K. Sherlock fandom is already fed up with all the GN antics poking fans, but it can be tolerable. It is the national television after all, and probably 90% of the viewers are not aware of Fandom sensitivities. But, BFI was the event for the FANS. The Q&A was all about the show they had been anticipating for 2 years.

        Sherlock fandom is usually known as clever, witty, intelligent, but they also take the show quite seriously in a cool way. They can be playful, but always with respect and deep affection for the show. What Moran did consequently was, weather she intended or not, to take for granted their devotion in the midst of the very event where the fandom was presence, not to mention the fandom all around the globe who had been looking forward to seeing the Q&A session for months. It’s a totally different dynamic from The Simpsons or The Big Bang Theory.

      • Especially since the mockery in those shows is not personal. But taking the story of an amateur to mock it on national TV is. It’s like a critic going to an amateur play and then writing a scathing article about it. Nobody would do that, because everybody is aware that the people staring there are not professionals but simply people who have fun being in a play.

        Btw, I think that forcing someone to read out erotic texts is not okay in general, no matter what the context is.

      • Totally agree with you here. I’ve seen people on Tumblr and Twiitter saying that this whole thing has spoiled their fandoming (if that’s a word), but why would it? What about trainspotters who have been the butt of everyones jokes for the last 50 years at least, but still enjoy their hobby.

  14. There is a difference between a fan asking Martin about red pants and what happened at the screening. If you are going to compare the two, what Caitlin Moran did would equate to a member of the press handing Martin a pair of read pants and telling him “Just try this on for giggles so everyone can see how you look in it”.

  15. I agree with you. I was there (On the aisle near the back right, opposite @Wossy and the chap from BBC Entertainment whose name I can’t spell) and it just felt like it was going flat a bit and, as Thomas O Evans said, the only awkwardness that came was when Moran started getting the feeling Cumberbatch no longer wanted to play that particular game, probably having read the end of it. He made it clear to her but in a very subtle way. He was, and I want to reiterate this too, perfectly happy with it to begin with!

    A lot of people have made a big deal also of her mocking the mistake made in one scene (insignificant, editable) but Moffat and co just laughed it off with an ‘Oh god, really? Damn!’ reaction – no doubt they will get rid of it by the new year! I don’t think the Q&A was too bad at all and, like you said Pete, was fascinated as to what I was about to witness Freeman and Cumberbatch saying with my own eyes! (other than watching Cumberbatch come over to congratulate Freeman as soon as the lights went up after the screening, as if he was checking Freeman was OK, which was interesting in its strangeness – if anyone sitting closer heard what was said I’d be fascinated!).

    I absolutely loved the entire day, from the incredibly friendly fans in the queue, the two cool dudes on the ticket desk, and the show and Q&A itself. For someone far more used to attending sporting events where a glimpse at your idol will cost you the equivalent of (and is sometimes instead of) a small long haul holiday (*cough* F1 *cough*), being allowed such access to the show, cast and crew for less than the cost of a ticket to the cinema at Leicester Square is quite frankly breathtakingly novel.

    I feel incredibly sorry for those behind me in the standby queue left disappointed, as I was one of the last TWO(!) girls to be given access, past the witching hour of 1pm, having got there at 11 am merely to celebrity spot and promptly let my inner fangirl mentality completely override me when I saw how short the queue was (-I may have turned 33 that day but definitely channelled my inner 17-year-old), stayed put instead of running off for autographs and my gamble paid off – but only just!

    I suppose I’m not an ‘official’ member of the actual online fandom and had never heard of coffee or tea (just the ‘otters who look like Benedict Cumberbatch’ etc) so just found it funny. I am sure that the crew are now aware of the fanfic author’s feeling on the subject and I am sure she will be compensated/rewarded somehow accordingly – perhaps an invite to another screening etc. Cumberbatch was not saying he disliked fan fiction, just that he wanted to keep it separate, probably stopping as he thought it might exacerbate the problem. It did, but probably not in the way he anticipated!

    Far, far more interesting answers were what Cumberbatch, Gatiss and co had to say about the Chinese fans’ nicknames for them, a terse aside from Cumberbatch about David Cameron and ‘tasteful terrorism’ in fiction after a question from a fan from Boston, but sadly this has been ignored due to something fairly childish.

    I was sat mostly around the crew’s family and journos I think so was unaware of the discontent until I got home and, like Pete, saw there was dissension in the ranks.

    I left the BFI thinking what a fabulous event it was, how lucky I am for the next 14 days knowing the big secrets, annoyed I can’t share the bits I know my fellow Sherlock fan friends will adore, laughing to myself about the wonderful humour of it all and hoping nobody spoils the surprise for them so they can enjoy it like I did. None of the complaints about Moran that have followed have changed nor will change that.

    Now roll on 1st January – I want to watch it again!

    • PS I would like to apologise for anyone under the assumption the sound effect of a very quiet Samsung telephone was used during a certain quiet scene between Watson and Holmes at their reunion. In my haste to get from the ticket barrier to the seat I may have a) not properly switched off my phone and in the process b) accidentally called my brother, who was driving and called back a short time later to see how I was… It was switched off IMMEDIATELY after. Kind of hoping somebody will analyse it as a clue in a TV review but more think Jonathan Ross now wants to throttle me.

  16. They were forced into it because it didn’t matter whether they wanted to do it or not. They’re actors. You put on the brave face and do it so you don’t look like a bad sport.

    Most people don’t want to read fan fiction depicting them in any way because it’s often a form of sexual objectification. These are people, not things. While I have no problem with fan fic, I do see some demanding the actors simply accept that objectification of themselves by strangers without ever showing any discomfort and that is disturbing on a lot of levels.

    LOL at anyone defending Moran, I’m sorry. She clearly didn’t prepare. This was a professional event, not a late night comedy show. It had no place here. People were freaking out as soon as they heard she did and she was getting backlash before any of the cast’s response went public.

  17. Honestly, nobody can really guess what everyone thought about the event unless they voiced their opinion. We have three potentially injured parties here:
    1. The writer of the fanfic, who clearly stated that she is not okay with her work used that way and was not asked for permission. And despite what people think, fanfictions are not free game and can be used by everyone however they please. They are the properties of the respective writers, even if they are not making money out of it, and the use of it by a third party falls under the same “fair use” rules as any other intellectual property.
    2. The actors, who were in a public setting. Even if they had been okay with it, they had no chance to decline in this situation, the only way to get out of this honourable was to be a good sport. And the moment they started to read it, the story was no longer about the characters wanting to kiss, it was about the actors (and this is btw an important distinction for a lot of writers, they write about the characters, not the actors. Just because someone writes slash he or she is not necessarily okay with RPF’s). Most people would not feel comfortable reading stories about themselves having sexual acts. We also know that both actors prefer to avoid fanworks for various reasons and prefer not being confronted by it. You say they were okay with it, and perhaps they were, but unless there was a prior agreement that they would do this, this was forcing porn on someone who couldn’t really decline to read it without loosing face.
    3. The audience. You say they liked it. A lot of other people who were present state that they didn’t. You might have considered funny, but if everyone agreed with you, there wouldn’t be a discussion now. Clearly there were people offended by it. Understandable. They were there to have a good time. They certainly didn’t expect to get confronted with their actors being forced to read sexual content about themselves.

    So between the three parties, we have the writer, who clearly stated her opinion about the matter, the actors, who didn’t comment on it but have mentioned that they don’t like to get confronted with the stuff in the past and the audience, which had mixed reactions. I don’t think that you should just dismiss the feelings of the ones who consider what happened a no-go.

    • The writer of the blog was trying to provide a counterpoint to the misrepresentation of the event that has occurred elsewhere, as indeed was I in my response.

      There may well have been some in the audience who were offended; indeed there are people here who state that they were. However, as can be clearly heard in the video of the incident that has been released, there was a huge amount of laughter in the room during the incident described. Indeed, one of the line’s that Martin read resulted in applause and a huge amount of amusement, both in the audience and on the panel. The atmosphere at the time seemed overwhelmingly positive.

      The portrayal of what happened as a stony-faced audience listening aghast while Martin and Benedict squirmed their way unwillingly through an intensely awkward pornographic text is incorrect.

      The truth, as can be heard in the video is that the audience seemed very much to be enjoying the reading and the two actors seemed happy too, until Benedict registered his discomfort, at which point a halt was called, by Caitlin, who clearly felt bad to have unwillingly made him uncomfortable. None of the lines they were asked to read were pornographic; nothing more serious than kissing.

      I understand that the author of the fiction was unhappy, and I would not necessarily say that it was right for her work to be used without her permission. However, the way that the event was reported, anyone would be unhappy. It was reported that Caitlin Moran had mocked the writing and used it both to mock the fans and to deliberately make the actors uncomfortable.

      But none of that is true, the atmosphere was not one of mockery at all. The audience and the panel were not laughing at the writing, they were laughing because it was fun to hear Martin and Benedict reading it out and because they made it very funny in the way that they delivered some of the lines and in some of the comments they made. The author of the piece has every right to her feelings, but it is possible that she would not have been so upset if people had not chosen to so badly misrepresent what had actually happened.

      For what it’s worth, I think that Caitlin Moran probably did make a mistake in not checking with the actors first whether they would be happy to do it, since Benedict did end up feeling uncomfortable. It was possibly also a mistake to leave the pornographic sections of the text in the printout that she produced, even though she did not ask the actors to read those sections. The “clumsy” comment was also a mistake, but an understandable slip of the tongue given that she was quite thrown at that moment, regretting that she had put Benedict in an uncomfortable position.

      These were mistakes, not worthy of the hate that she has received. She did not intend to offend anyone, mock anyone or to make anyone feel uncomfortable. She did what she was doing in front of an audience who seemed to me (and therefore will also have seemed to her, from the stage) to be hugely enjoying themselves. The moment that the participants (who had been laughing along with it a few moments before) started to look uncomfortable, she called a halt and was very apologetic.

      • Stony silence? I don’t know who supposedly reported that. I read about “nervous laughter” and “the actors feeling uncomfortable”. I watched the video and I think that it is all a matter of interpretation. But that is neither here nor there, because, like I said, there were people who voiced the opinion that they felt uncomfortable, the actors felt the need to tell the moderator that they wanted to stop and the writer of the story is clearly unhappy about it. So weather there was laughter or which kind of laughter is pretty much unimportant. Important is the question if Caitlin Moran should have known beforehand that this was a bad idea. And to be honest: She should have, and not just from a “a bunch of fans might not appreciate this” angle, but also from a professional angle. This was not the right setting to do this in the first place.

        I agree though that there is no need to rehash this thing to no end. It will help none of the people involved, and I think the fandom, since it now has made it stance very clear on that matter, should move on. After all, the should be about “The Empty Hearse”….it should have been about the episode and the upcoming season from the get-go. But I can’t stand people saying that “it wasn’t so bad”. It was. There is no need to act as if it was done deliberately with the intention to hurt people, or to make a huge deal around it, but it is also wrong to dismiss the incident.

  18. However you are twist it what Caitlin Moran did was wrong.She took someone`s work and used it for a laugh.She took someone`s work and used it to mock but most of all she took someone`s work without thinking wether or not that person would want that,without thinking about that person`s feelings.
    I have talked with many people who were there and they all say the same thing,the whole Q&A was bad and that was because Caitlin Moran didn`t do her homework.
    Even professional journalist who were there were appaled by her.
    So was the BBC 1 drama controller considering that she was yelled and at she was told that in the future she is not invited anymore by any event.

  19. Hi Darren, it’s nice to have some twitter exchanges with you on this incident yesterday, and as I indicated on Twitter, I’d hope you could add the clarifications you said on Twitter re fanfic/ fanfic author/ BC on your blog post; as I see you are probably a bit tied up to do so, then I suppose that I can just copy and paste our Twitter exchanges on the comment section to help to clear things a bit for you.

    Here they are:
    “Darren Jones ‏
    I’m happy of course that my blog was read by so many people today, but slightly wary that one thing I said was misconstrued.
    Darren Jones ‏
    Just to clarify – I’m not blaming Benedict Cumberbatch for the fanfic unpleasantness. My blog was not about the fanfic, or the author.
    Darren Jones
    My blog was solely about the abusive tweeting directed at Caitlin Moran from people who weren’t at the BFI.

    Darren Jones ‏
    Hi, thanks for that. I do understand the SH fandom – I may not agree with everything but I get how important fanfic is. My…>
    Darren Jones ‏
    problem isn’t with them. I agree that the fanfic was an error. But the abuse directed at CM was not called for.

    GreenOrange this, I agree with you as well. I think it’s misjudge on CM’s part and she apologized. The Internet and overall ppl are>
    GreenOrange somehow vicious towards celebs; they are human beings; they’ll make mistakes. Twitter abuse on her is not cool. I know you>
    GreenOrange are not talking about fanfics or the author, or blaming BC, but if you could add what you just tweeted re BC & fanfics on>
    GreenOrange your blog post, it might help to clear things a bit. I do still think the way you mention about BC in that write up is not>
    GreenOrange a true representation of what he said, and not fair to him, even if I know that’s not your intention. It’s simply the truth>
    GreenOrange that he wasn’t talking about him disliking fanfics, whether he’s comfortable about reading that slash fanfic is another story

    Darren Jones
    One of the things I was going to agree with was how I interpreted BCs “ludicrous” comment. He wasn’t saying he didn’t like it..>
    Darren Jones
    but was simply saying it was ludicrous in ‘their’ universe. I appreciate that in retrospect.”

    I’d say it again, it’s nice to have different views and interpretations from different people who attended the screening. I think Ms Moran misjudged the whole fanfic reading stunt and it’s rather unfortunate to people involved all around, but Twitter abuse at Ms. Moran is not the right response. On the other hand, as fanfic writers can have their interpretations about the Holmes/ Watson relationship, the creatives (main cast and writers) of the BBC Sherlock is certainly entitled to their interpretation of such a relationship, and is entitled to express that the BBC Sherlock’s interpretation is different from some fanfic writers’ interpretations. Having different opinions and allowing to express them is simply the fundamental right. If some fans think they have the right to express and defend their interpretations, I don’t see why the writers and cast of the show don’t have the right to do the same for their interpretation, and have to remain silent. It is ridiculous to say that it’d cause bad PR if the cast and writers express thoughts about the interpretation of the major relationship in this show, just because there are some fans out there having different interpretations.

  20. Hi everyone. Apologies first off for the delay in my response to your comments. I’m a little busy with work and home life so I’ve not had a chance to write this up.

    First off, thanks to everyone who’s commented so far. I appreciate you all taking the time to read my view on the event and then taking the time to respond. There would have been little point in my post if it hadn’t begun a debate on the matter.

    Just to clarify a couple of things that have been raised in response to my original post.

    1. I appreciate that my interpretation of Benedict’s comment suggesting he does not like fan fiction was misplaced. I agree in retrospect that Benedict was simply saying that the idea of their characters engaging together in that way in their universe was ludicrous, not fanfics in general.

    2. I used the word ‘unbiased’ in my commentary of the day. I would perhaps suggest instead that my post was intended to be ‘impartial’, which I consider to be more accurate given the circumstances.

    3. My post did state that ‘all’ the attendees were enjoying the fanfic incident. I could only base my opinion there from what I could see (I was towards the back and could see the majority of the hall) and from what I heard. In hindsight I should of course taken into account that not everyone would have enjoyed it, and I agree that I cannot speak for everyone in the hall.

    I wish to make it very clear to readers who may have misread my post that I was not blaming Benedict Cumberbatch (or indeed any of the cast) for the hurt inflicted on the writer of the fanfic involved. I understand the feelings she has about her work being presented to the cast in a public forum. I do state in my post that I agree that Caitlin Moran made an error of judgement in this regard, and the writer has every reason to be upset about that. I also state that Caitlin described the final line of the fanfic as “clumsily written”, and I agreed in my post that this was misplaced.

    My original post was not written to defend Caitlin’s decision to use the fanfic during the Q&A. I’m absolutely sure she now regrets this, and hindsight is a wonderful thing. It was clear to me at the time I wrote my post that Caitlin’s initial intentions were being twisted out of all proportion, and this was resulting in the abuse Caitlin was receiving at the time on Twitter.

    My post was intended to show an alternative view of events, as I had seen them, which I hoped would help to either end the abuse directed at Caitlin, or at the very least start an informed debate about the matter. I would like to think that I partly succeeded. Indeed, we are having a fine and intelligent debate on this subject here.

    It is highly unfair of anyone to suggest that Caitlin went into that session with the intention to offend, humilate or belittle anyone. To pummel her Twitter with extremely unpleasant abuse was, and is, wrong.

    I would rather see people agreeing or disagreeing with me on here than spending their time tweeting Caitlin Moran over a mistake for which she apologised for at the time. I understand from a member of the Sherlock fandom who spoke to her afterwards that Caitlin was very aware that what she did was an error.

    I am absolutely all for fanfiction. I consider it to be a brilliant way for anyone, fans or otherwise, to get their creative juices flowing and to engage with the characters as they wish. I am also very aware how protective the writers are over their work, and for good reason.

    I simply see no place for online abuse from anyone who doesn’t agree with Caitlin’s actions on Sunday. I like to think the Sherlock fandom is better than that.

    I hope this has clarified some issues slightly, but if there’s anything you want to speak with me about, please comment and I’ll try my best to respond as soon as I can.

    • I think the people rationally debating the issues at the BFI on here are not likely to be the same ones that send twitter abuse to anyone.

      • That’s highly likely to be correct. My original post however was designed to be read by people who were intending to send abuse on Twitter. The subsequent debate is secondary.

    • I have no idea what is going on at twitter, because I don’t frequent twitter…no matter WHAT fandom, this is always the place where the worst fanatics are. I think it is unfair to judge a whole fandom based on what is going on at twitter, and that it is misleading to take clues from there.
      There have been a lot of informed discussions about the incident, and at least at the sites I frequent the consent is “It was unpleasant, it should never happened, hopefully the media will learn something from this and finally stop shoving fanwork into the face of the actors and can we now please move on and enjoy the anticipation which is currently building up”.
      Sadly there have been a few people who tried to marginalize the incident and I don’t think that this is the way to go. It is not the end of the world, but we all should learn something from it. Fanfictions are free to READ, but not free to USE unless you intend to use it fairly. Actors are not there to perform on such an event, they are there to answer questions, unless they agreed to more beforehand. And one should always considering the setting before confronting the audience with sexual content, no matter how “funny” it might seem.

  21. Pingback: Professionalising Fanart and Fanfiction – The Tumbling of the Fourth Wall | 20One

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